04. Quiz: Implementing Constraints

Constraint Matrices

Next, you'll see how to implement relationships between robot poses and landmark locations. These matrices should look familiar from the section of linear algebra, but I also find it helpful to think of the values in these matrices as weights kind of like you've seen in convolutional kernels, only these weights imply how much a pose or landmark should be weighted in a set of equations.

04 Implementing Constraints Quiz V1

See below for the quiz.

For the highlighted values in the square above, what will the new weights relating x1 and x2 be after this motion update? They start as:

[ 1  0 ]
[ 0  0 ]

Which can also be read as: [ 1 0 ], [ 0 0 ]

SOLUTION: ``` [ 2 -1 ], [ -1 1 ] ```

For the highlighted values in the small rectangle above, what will the new values relating x1 and x2 be after this motion update? They start as:

[ 5 ]
[ 0 ]

Which can also be read as: [ 5 ], [ 0 ]

SOLUTION: ``` [ 9 ], [ -4 ] ```